Capital Allowances App

Terry Filler Capital Allowance’s Focus Group

This cardboard app is available to iPhone and Android users.


please download and install the app on your android phone

Android APK QR code

iPhone users 

If you got this app message from apple test flight please download test flight install the app


Please come along to the seminar session on the 2017 11 14 for the focus group

The app is a series of 12 photosphere taken around a training school and has overlaid costings. your aim is to identify the capital allowances possible to each item.

Place the red ring over objects to click them. you can click on:

  • the green ball (which changes shade when over it) takes you to the next room
  • the red ball (which changes shade when over it) takes you to the next room
  • the double arrow snap turns you 90 degrees in the direction its is facing
  • the single arrow snap turns you 5 degrees

capital allowances in the flight lab