VR Anatomy Application for students of Medical Engineering or Sport & Exercise – Current Version Anatomy 2019 Version 7
Get the current version 20190311AnatomyV7.zip
Created by
Developer Dr Marc Holmes
Academic Dr Laura Mason
A full understanding of human anatomy is required of students. They required to learn a large number of terms which students typically struggle with using a traditional education model. Therefore the aim of this App was to create a VR immersive learning opportunity to help students to engage with anatomy material.
The current versions 20190311AnatomyV7.zip
- Bone training, run time 3 – 30 minutes
- Muscle training, run time 12 – 60 minutes
- Muscles assessment, run time 10 minutes
First Stage of the muscles training section vr

Training instructions
- This section is a formative assessment.
- Take parts place them on blue hang man for bones or Muscles.
- Parts will snap into place.
- Name the bones with multiple choices, there is a time penalty of +30 second to the score clock for each wrong answer. a reward of -30 seconds to the score clock for getting it right.
- Once all the bones in a set are placed and correctly named, then the next set will appear.
- Repeat until finished
- Return to the main menu to get the next training.
Assessment instructions
- This section is a summative assessment, no feed back will be give until you finish the test.
- There is 10 minutes to do the test.
- There are 13 parts to place on the right leg of the skeleton, the left leg is semi transparent and has no effect on the test.
- Place each muscle in the correct position (based on the center of bounding box) for 1 mark if with in 0.1 meter scaling down to 0.5 meters
- Place each muscle in the correct orientation (based on the anchor transformation) for 1 point with in 7 degrees, 15 degrees for
- Name each piece for 1 mark
- there is no instant feed back
Triggers hold to grab bones, touch the bone your controller will buzz and should turn purple
Triggers to click to select multiple choices. touch the center of the mutiple choices to get options when not green
TouchPad (stick on oculus) when touch shows the UI Laser, point and click the trigger to select options on the wall such as Restart, Main Menu End Test
Grip button is the object grip it grabs all the objects in the scene, use this to return objects which have escaped (they turn x-ray orange
Recommended hardware
CPU : Intel I5
GPU : Nvidia 1070
RAM : 16GB
HDD : 200mb free
Monitor : 1080p 90hz or greater
HMD either: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift with Touch, Window Mixed Reality.
Required Software : STEAM and SteamVR,
If using WMR Requires Mixed Reality Portal installed and SteamVR for WMR as well
If using Oculus requires Oculus installed and 3rd Party apps turn on as well
The minimum hardware
We have tested on a the following low end VR equipment.
CPU: intel i5
GPU : Radeon RX 480
Monitor : 1600×900 60hz
HDD : 200mb free
HMD : HTC Vive
Required Software : SteamVR
Get the current version 20190311AnatomyV7.zip
BodyParts3D http://lifesciencedb.jp/bp3d/ BodyParts3D, © The Database Center for Life Science licensed under CC Attribution-Share Alike 2.1 Japan
VRTK https://github.com/thestonefox/VRTK MIT license https://github.com/thestonefox/VRTK/blob/master/LICENSE
Assembly by Dr Marc Holmes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This app is free to use, its has no DRM or user analytics enabled intentionally in version 20190311AnatomyV7.zip
Known bugs
- WMR the controller hints do not point at the controller buttons location this is due to how SteamVR reports back location, will come up with a fix later.
- Occasionally its possible to over ride the color of the prefab
Bug Report
Please send any bug reports to VirtualReality @ swansea.ac.uk with step to repeat them
I will try and fix them when I get time.
Dr Marc Holmes